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-   -   Pages hidden with manual breaks still print (https://www.excelbanter.com/excel-discussion-misc-queries/70761-pages-hidden-manual-breaks-still-print.html)

D Poole

Pages hidden with manual breaks still print

Hi Folks,

This is my first post here so appologies if I err with protocol.

I have a sheet with a main first page then a manual page break then
another page with manual break and one more, so I have 3 pages all
separated with manual breaks.
Excepting the first page, the other 2 pages can be hidden and unhidden
with a simple macro linked to a button. The problem is; when slecting
to print only the first 1 or 2 pages, obviously when visible, you get
the first page, which is good, but the remaining 1 or 2 come out and
are blank.

I have experiemented with random data on another sheet without macros
and the problem seems to be as soon as you add manual breaks to the
sheet, then any hidden section will always get printed out as blank.

Am I missing something?
I cannot use add-ins.

Thank you any help,


D Poole
D Poole's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=31391
View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=510897

Dave Peterson

Pages hidden with manual breaks still print
Nope. That's the way excel works.

But there are a few workarounds...

Copy the visible cells to a new worksheet and print that.

Copy all the cells to a new worksheet, remove the pagebreaks (and the hidden
rows) and print that.

Remove the page breaks, print, and reapply the page breaks.

D Poole wrote:

Hi Folks,

This is my first post here so appologies if I err with protocol.

I have a sheet with a main first page then a manual page break then
another page with manual break and one more, so I have 3 pages all
separated with manual breaks.
Excepting the first page, the other 2 pages can be hidden and unhidden
with a simple macro linked to a button. The problem is; when slecting
to print only the first 1 or 2 pages, obviously when visible, you get
the first page, which is good, but the remaining 1 or 2 come out and
are blank.

I have experiemented with random data on another sheet without macros
and the problem seems to be as soon as you add manual breaks to the
sheet, then any hidden section will always get printed out as blank.

Am I missing something?
I cannot use add-ins.

Thank you any help,


D Poole
D Poole's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=31391
View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=510897


Dave Peterson

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