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Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to
red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Part A - as far as I know you cannot assign conditional formatting to an
object such as a circle, text box or square. For part B I'd start by going ahead and setting the cell shading of B2:B4 as yellow, it will save you one conditional test. Then select B2:B4 and use conditional formatting and choose the Formula Is option and enter a statement like this as the first condition: =A$1<10 and set the shading condition, then Add another condition, again using Formula Is and a condition like this: =A$150 and set up your conditional shading. Change the values of 10 and 50 as appropriate for the range in question. "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object
conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
The key to your code (which is definitely an option) for the shape is knowing
the name of the shape; Pivot Man, easy way to find that is to simply click on the object and look at the Name Box. The Name Box is that area that normally shows the cell address of the current cell: just above the '1' for row numbers, and to the left of the "A" column designator. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Thank you both...very much appreciated.
"JLatham" wrote: The key to your code (which is definitely an option) for the shape is knowing the name of the shape; Pivot Man, easy way to find that is to simply click on the object and look at the Name Box. The Name Box is that area that normally shows the cell address of the current cell: just above the '1' for row numbers, and to the left of the "A" column designator. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Hi Socratis,
I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Pivot Man,
I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a
charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to
begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want
to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1
shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Hello again,
the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with
these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Thanks again JLatham,
Unfortunately, I am getting an Runtime error '6' overflow error when I do this. The code is stopping at the first uppercolor statement. Again, i really appreciate your help. "JLatham" wrote: Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
mea culpa,
change the three definitions of the ...Color variables to type Long instead of Integer; as Dim lowerColor As Long Dim upperColor as Long Dim defaultColor as Long "Pivot Man" wrote: Thanks again JLatham, Unfortunately, I am getting an Runtime error '6' overflow error when I do this. The code is stopping at the first uppercolor statement. Again, i really appreciate your help. "JLatham" wrote: Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Hey, this is still not working. no longer getting errors, but colors do not
change consistently, nor does the limit seem to work. ideally, the conditions would be if <10 then Red if 30 then Green All else is Yellow not sure if part of the problem is the limits. I have checked the shape names and the cell references and they all seem to be correct. Thanks again. "JLatham" wrote: mea culpa, change the three definitions of the ...Color variables to type Long instead of Integer; as Dim lowerColor As Long Dim upperColor as Long Dim defaultColor as Long "Pivot Man" wrote: Thanks again JLatham, Unfortunately, I am getting an Runtime error '6' overflow error when I do this. The code is stopping at the first uppercolor statement. Again, i really appreciate your help. "JLatham" wrote: Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Would it be possible for you to send me a copy of your Excel file so I can
look at it and see what actual data and setup you have? Since the code is now working without error, but results are "inconsistent", that points to an error in our logic of testing values and setting things up. You speak of only the <10 or 30 tests now, but earlier we had all kinds of other things to think about: empty/blank cells, =0 cells, and potentially others as non-numeric? If you can send it, attach to emal to (remove spaces) HelpFrom @ jlathamsite.com and I'll beat on it some <g "Pivot Man" wrote: Hey, this is still not working. no longer getting errors, but colors do not change consistently, nor does the limit seem to work. ideally, the conditions would be if <10 then Red if 30 then Green All else is Yellow not sure if part of the problem is the limits. I have checked the shape names and the cell references and they all seem to be correct. Thanks again. "JLatham" wrote: mea culpa, change the three definitions of the ...Color variables to type Long instead of Integer; as Dim lowerColor As Long Dim upperColor as Long Dim defaultColor as Long "Pivot Man" wrote: Thanks again JLatham, Unfortunately, I am getting an Runtime error '6' overflow error when I do this. The code is stopping at the first uppercolor statement. Again, i really appreciate your help. "JLatham" wrote: Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
It may not meet your requirements, but another option is to use Wingding
font to create shapes, and conditional formatting for the three colours. There's an example he http://www.contextures.com/xlCondFormat03.html#Shape Pivot Man wrote: Hey, this is still not working. no longer getting errors, but colors do not change consistently, nor does the limit seem to work. ideally, the conditions would be if <10 then Red if 30 then Green All else is Yellow not sure if part of the problem is the limits. I have checked the shape names and the cell references and they all seem to be correct. Thanks again. "JLatham" wrote: mea culpa, change the three definitions of the ...Color variables to type Long instead of Integer; as Dim lowerColor As Long Dim upperColor as Long Dim defaultColor as Long "Pivot Man" wrote: Thanks again JLatham, Unfortunately, I am getting an Runtime error '6' overflow error when I do this. The code is stopping at the first uppercolor statement. Again, i really appreciate your help. "JLatham" wrote: Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed Dim cell As Range Set cell = Selection Dim value As Long value = cell.value ' use whatever range you like here If value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen Else cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow End If End Sub similarly, you can use the following macro to format the desired range. Public Sub FormatRangeConditionally() Dim value As Long value = Range("A1") With Range("B2:B4") If value < 10 Then .Interior.Color = vbRed ElseIf value 20 Then .Interior.Color = vbGreen Else .Interior.Color = vbYellow End If End With End Sub Cheers, socratis "Pivot Man" wrote: -- Debra Dalgleish Contextures http://www.contextures.com/tiptech.html |
Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
Thanks Debra, it is an interesting solution.. but the goal was to have a
shape that I could overlay with the results, comparisson of actuals to budget and have the overall shape change color around the results. But it is a very simple alternative. I appreciate the response. "Debra Dalgleish" wrote: It may not meet your requirements, but another option is to use Wingding font to create shapes, and conditional formatting for the three colours. There's an example he http://www.contextures.com/xlCondFormat03.html#Shape Pivot Man wrote: Hey, this is still not working. no longer getting errors, but colors do not change consistently, nor does the limit seem to work. ideally, the conditions would be if <10 then Red if 30 then Green All else is Yellow not sure if part of the problem is the limits. I have checked the shape names and the cell references and they all seem to be correct. Thanks again. "JLatham" wrote: mea culpa, change the three definitions of the ...Color variables to type Long instead of Integer; as Dim lowerColor As Long Dim upperColor as Long Dim defaultColor as Long "Pivot Man" wrote: Thanks again JLatham, Unfortunately, I am getting an Runtime error '6' overflow error when I do this. The code is stopping at the first uppercolor statement. Again, i really appreciate your help. "JLatham" wrote: Sure, we can use a special type of If Then, the Select Case to deal with these multiple conditions. You should be able to modify it for your needs pretty easily: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim upperLimit As Integer ' or other type Dim lowerColor As Integer Dim upperColor As Integer Dim defaultColor As Integer Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case Is = "$A$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case Is = "$B$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 1") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case Is = "$C$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 10 upperLimit = 20 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$D$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 2") lowerLimit = 30 upperLimit = 40 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$E$1" Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("AutoShape 1") lowerLimit = 130 upperLimit = 140 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents=True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If Target.Value < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf Target.Value upperColor Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape=Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hello again, the 5 shapes would be on the same page. Each refercing a different cell, say a1 to a5. I tried replicating the code and changing the shape name in VB but that did not work. any thoughts? Thanks "JLatham" wrote: If each of these shapes is on a different worksheet (5 different sheets, 1 shape on each worksheet) then the exact same code will work for each worksheet. Each sheet has it's own _Change() event! The only difference in the code would be the name of the shape and any particulars about values and the related color. You can see this by choosing another worksheet and right-clicking on it's tab and then choosing View Code. There will not be a Worksheet_Change() event for that sheet. You can copy the original code, paste it in and make changes unique to that particular sheet and shape. Excel will know which sheet and shape on that sheet. Is that clear? If not, let me know. Also, let me know if you are talking about 5 different shapes on one sheet - in which case we'd have to really do some changes to figure out which shape to work on based on the value entered into A1. "Pivot Man" wrote: Of course...stumbled on another question as I was working on this. If I want to change multiple shapes conditionally, based on different criteria, I assumed I could copy the code and replace the "oval 5" with the name of the shape identified in the space above cell A1. So the question is, how do i apply the code that worked so well to multiple shapes. Ultimately, the parameters for each of the shapes and the reference cell A1, will be different but I have left them the same in the code below. Thanks again to both you and Socratis. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub Private Sub W2orksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("square 1") cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.Value < 10 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.Value 20 Then cir.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "JLatham" wrote: You're welcome. Glad I could help with the help that Socratis gave you to begin with. "Pivot Man" wrote: This was so clear and easy...Thank you for dumbing it down. It worked like a charm. I actually changed the .line to .fill and that gave me exactly the effect I was looking for. Again, thanks for all of your help. "JLatham" wrote: Pivot Man, I haven't tried his code, but looking at it, what it does is use the currently selected cell as the one holding the value that controls the color of the circle. So it would work like this: you click on the cell with the control value in it and then use Tools | Macro | Macros to run this code. To keep from having to choose the cell before running it, you could change the Value = to specify the location of the value like (and I'd use something other than the word value as the variable name, perhaps cirValue) cirValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value where Sheet1 is the name of the sheet and A1 is the cell with the value in it. To be completely automated, you could move the code into the worksheet's _Change event. That's easy enough to do: right-click on the worksheet's name tab and choose [View Code] from the popup list. Then cut and paste this code into the module, edit the sheet name and cell address as needed. Test it, any time you make a change to the value in A1 (as coded) the circle should react to the value change. Once you're sure it works properly, remove the single apostrophe in front of the two 'Application.EnableEvents = statements to make them active. That'll keep from continuously calling the routine if lots of cells are changed at once, as with a massive delete, while it's working on the circle's color. Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim cir As Shape 'change to address of cell with value in it If Target.Address < "$A$1" Then Exit Sub ' no change in A1 End If 'Application.EnableEvents = False ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbYellow ' default ' use whatever values you need here If Target.value < 10 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed ElseIf Target.value 20 Then cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbGreen End If 'Application.EnableEvents = True End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Hi Socratis, I am a newbee to the macro world. I tried to attach the macro to the shape and it was not working. in the macros, do i need ot replace set cell = Selection..change Selection to cell containing item of interest? Same cell.value...overall, where do i refernce the cell which will drive the color in this macro? Thanks so much for your assistance. "Socratis" wrote: I concur with JLatham, but if you want to be able to format an object conditionally, you might want to use the following macro. Public Sub FormatCircle() Dim cir As Shape ' Assuming your shape (Oval 5) is on worksheet (Sheet1). Set cir = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") cir.Line.ForeColor.RGB = vbRed |
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Lessons Learned (after examining the workbook and code that Pivot Man sent to
me) #1 - VB is case sensitive! while most worksheet functions are not, VB is, and it had some impact in testing results: "$c$3" is not the same as "$C$3" in VB. #2 - We must keep in mind that the Worksheet_Change() event is not triggered by the recalculation of a worksheet formula! Pivot Man was testing for changes in cells with formulas - we didn't know that, and hadn't asked. The code now tests for changes made to cells that the formula is dependent upon, which do get changes from the keyboard. #3 - The devil is in the details like that, and sometimes we just don't ask the right questions. Here is the final code that actually does function: Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim anyShape As Shape Dim lowerLimit As Single ' need single for decimal Dim upperLimit As Single ' need single for decimal Dim lowerColor As Long Dim upperColor As Long Dim defaultColor As Long Dim testValue As Single Application.EnableEvents = False Select Case Target.Address Case "$A$3", "$B$3" testValue = Range("C3").Value Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 3") lowerLimit = 0.8 upperLimit = 0.95 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbYellow Case "$A$4", "$B$4" testValue = Range("C4").Value Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 2") lowerLimit = 0.85 upperLimit = 0.9 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbCyan Case "$A$5", "$B$5" testValue = Range("C5").Value Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Rectangle 3") lowerLimit = 0.7 upperLimit = 0.9 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case "$A$6", "$B$6" testValue = Range("C6").Value Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 4") lowerLimit = 0.75 upperLimit = 0.9 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbMagenta Case Is = "$A$7", "$B$7" testValue = Range("C7").Value Set anyShape = Worksheets("Sheet1").Shapes("Oval 5") lowerLimit = 0.75 upperLimit = 0.9 lowerColor = vbRed upperColor = vbGreen defaultColor = vbBlack Case Else 'if not one of your addresses Application.EnableEvents = True Exit Sub ' get out! End Select anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = defaultColor If testValue < lowerLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = lowerColor ElseIf testValue upperLimit Then anyShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = upperColor End If Application.EnableEvents = True Set anyShape = Nothing End Sub "Pivot Man" wrote: Looking to change the format of an object...change the color of a circle to red if less than, yellow if between two values and green if greater than a value. I can use condiitional formatting in a cell, just wondering if A) you can apply condiitonal formatting to an object or B) can you apply conditional formatting to cells outside of the result cell. ie, depending on the results in cell A1, I want to change the color in Cells B2 to B4. Thanks |
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