I'm having trouble with the formula....
If my worksheets a
Apr. 3
May 5
March 13
and I want cell B14 from every worksheet to all appear in a new worksheet.
What would my formula look like???
Thanks for your time and assistance!!
"Gord Dibben" wrote:
You refer to "tables" in a workbook.
Do you mean "worksheets" in a workbook?
If the latter, how are they named?
If Sheet1, Sheet2 etc. enter this formula in A1 of a sheet.
=INDIRECT("Sheet" & (ROW() & "!B5")
Drag/copy down column B.
If sheets have unique names, enter the sheet names in a column and use this
=INDIRECT(A1 & "!B5")
Assume sheet names were in A1:A10 you would copy down 10 cells.
Your ranges may differ, so adjust to suit.
Gord Dibben Excel MVP
On Thu, 2 Jun 2005 15:25:38 -0700, Tia wrote:
If I have a workbook that has multiple tables, is it possible to select one
cell and copy that same cell from all the tables and paste into either a new
table or a new workbook???
I want the data from a specific cell (i.e.B5) from each table copied into
one table. Is there a way to do this???
Thanks for any help!