No, that can't be done.
One thing of note. I assummed that one of those 3 options would always be
selected in which case the formula will work just fine. However, if none of
those options is selected then the formula could return a zero even though
there is a value in the length cell.
This formula will take that possibility into account:
=IF(B3="","",IF(J2=B2,SUM(B3,((G2=TRUE)*B3*0.1),(( H2=TRUE)*B3*0.15),((I2=TRUE)*B3*0.2)),""))
If you don't want to use the formula you can try posting this in the
programming forum. Maybe someone can come up with something.
wrote in message
Is there a way to make that formula part of the drop down menu that way
it will check the quantities or lengths dependant on the dropdown
menu's choice and then overwrite the selected cell with the new data +
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