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Default Creating an Order Form....Ragdyer & anyone else?

I can't get back to my thread for some reason, and since it's your order
form Rag, I am hoping you or someone can help me again...

Here's the things I need to do and can't seem to figure it out...

1. On the drop down list, some of the description list are very long,
they have to sometimes choose 100 items, I would like the customer to
be able to type in a few letters and have the closest item come up...i
thought it was auto complete but must not be because it doesn't work
for me.

2. How do I make a column recognize the next pattern and complete it. I
haven't done this in ages and I have tried several ways but it wants to
go to the next cells as =A2 =A3 =A4 instead of F1 G1 H1 etc.


3. How can I make it where Column 1 if changed will clear out column 2
on the order form to start over, because if I select a different
category than previously selected, it will let me keep the wrong
description for that category unless i tab over and change it too.

An Example...

Selecting Category "pens" then description retractible, then change my
mind and decide to enter markers, it keeps retractable until I change
it, even though retractible is not an item for markers.

Thanks in advance! The order form looks awesome!


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