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If you want to do this with worksheet formulas then you'll need to use a
helper cell.

See this screen cap:

I figured it would be easier to show than to write a small book explaining.
(I may be wrong!)

Basically, I linked the checkboxes to the cells that they're "in". I set the
font color of those cells to be the same as the fill color so that you cant
see the TRUE or FALSE.

The formula shown is only for "Length". You can use it as a guide to come up
with one for "pieces".


wrote in message

I am looking to make a function that will do the following....

I have two cells... one thats in pieces, and one in length... i have a
checkbox that i want to add a percentage to an amount already entered
into either the length or pieces cell... which cell it adds the
percentage too will be decided by a drop down box...please see the
graphic for help understanding...
basically what i want to do is add a percentage based on a checkbox and
defined based upon a dropdown box into a cell which already has a value
entered into it.

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