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Mike H Mike H is offline
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Default Getting a value out of a Matrix


For a table lookup you can use this

=INDEX(A1:E20, MATCH(F1,A1:A20,0), MATCH(G1,A1:E1,0))

Where A1:E20 is the entire table
F1 is the value to find in the column
G1 is the value to find in the row
The intersect of the 2 is returned

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"nsd" wrote:


I have a matrix as under:

Days <30 day <60 days <90 days
0-100 $20 $30 $40
100-200 $15 $25 $35
201-300 $12 $22 $32

This shows if my order is between 0-100 units and if I pay in less than 30
days then my price of the product would be $20. Further, if my order is
between 0-100 and if I pay in less that 90 days then my value of the product
would be $40.

Can I have a formula where in a column I put my value and no. of days
payment and the formula will get me the price/value or the product from this
matrix. For e.g. A1 column I put the no. of unit I want (let's say 25 units)
and in B1 column I put the no. of days I would pay in (let's say 45 days),
and in C1 I get the price as ($30 x 25 units). That means C1 would have a

Hope I made my question clear. I tried to do it by lookup function
but without success.

Please advise.
Thanks in advance.