Sandwich existing formulas with "If iserror(formula),0,formula)"
If you are getting a #DIV/0! error from your VLOOKUP, then the error
is in the workbook where you are getting the data from, rather than in
the VLOOKUP formula itself. Consequently, you should look at the
"sending" workbooks and eradicate any errors that are in there.
Hope this helps.
On Dec 23, 4:36*pm, ORLANDO VAZQUEZ
I have several hundred different formulas on one spreadsheet like this one.
=VLOOKUP($C$1,'P:\Rate Sheets\client name\[file name.xls]manager
The results sometimes return #DIV/0!, or other error messages which ruin my
attempts at summing the results as well as the visual appeal.
Is there a way to rewrite (en masse) these formulas to so that they first
check "If(iserror(myformula),[then] 0, [else] myformula) so that rather then
an error result I will see a zero (0).?
I can manually change them but that would take a day at least.
Please let me know.
Thank you,