sumif or suproduct--with two cretarias
Dear All,
I have a peculiar proble which I don't know wether I use sumif or sumprodut?
My data
A B Result
1 SRA Online Checks: BS - Assets
2 JRA Online Checks: BS - Assets
3 SRA Online Checks: BS - Liabilities
4 JRA Online Checks: BS - Liabilities
Source data:
1 Description JRA RA SRA Analyst
2 Online Checks: BS - Assets 37.65 41.18 47.06 52.94
3 Online Checks: BS - Liabilities 35.29 41.18 52.00 64.71
My requirement:
I need the value where the A1 and B1 match with the source data and present
the value of matching. Here, in result column, firs value should be 47.06
and secund value should be 37.65.
I hope you people underastand the problem. Thanks in advance.