How to write (Selected range - 1)
This is in VBA code.
Last is defined as "B104:O104" This will stay constant and will change if
rows are deleted..
So If I want to do an operation one Row before Last I can use what you said?
Thank you
"Shane Devenshire" wrote:
Is this in VBA or a spreadsheet formula?
[Last] would be an address if you want to work with the rows then
[Last].Row-1 woud be a start. And if Last is supposed to be an address, then
what would one mean by Last -1? Suppose Last is O31 is Last-1 N31 or O30
If this helps, please click the Yes button.
Shane Devenshire
"Damian" wrote:
I have a defined Name [Last], but I would like it to take 1 wor before [Last]
Right now I have Range("B31:O31", [Last])
I wnat it to be Range("B31:O31", [Last]-1) or something.
How would I put this?
Thank you.