suming multiple rates
what i am after is the sum of multiple days booking in one unit. in this
example a booking for 5 nights in unit 1 starting wed what is the total? eg:
unit = a2, days = e2+f2+g2+h2+b2=480
The start day changes all the time with each new booking so I am not sure
how to loop arround through the days of week. Your help is appreciated.
"Joel" wrote:
I fwouold use two sumproducts. I'll put rows and column into your data to
show you how
1 sun mon tue wed thu fri sat
2 unit 1 100 90 90 90 90 100 100
3 unit 2 150 100 100 100 100 150 150
find the minum rates from row 2 comparing with row 3
now the same in 2nd row. I'm only using less than
Now put the two formulas into one
=Sumproduct(--(B2:H2<=B3:H3),B2:H2) + Sumproduct(--(B3:H3<B2:H2),B3:H3)
"nba" wrote:
I have 2 sheets. One with 365 dates showing low, mid or high season. The
second sheet has 3 tables listing multiple units with different pricing for
each day of the week for each season. EG:
table 2 rates low season
sun mon tue wed thu fri sat
unit 1 100 90 90 90 90 100 100
unit 2 150 100 100 100 100 150 150
I am using
the right rate for the unit (H9) for the right date but now i need to add
each night of the booking for example 5 nights starting wed in unit 1.
that would be 90+90+100+100+100=480
can you help.