MACRO FUNCTION conflict with other macro's
Try to step through the code and see if the UDF is called (recalculated due
to a change in one of the variables).
Hopes this helps.
"MrDave" skrev i meddelelsen
hi, don't know much about macro's, but the following (with slight
modification), seemed to work. the problem is that while this is
example of next item below stops in the middle..
- to find if text exists in a formula: installed in a separate module
Option Explicit
Function FC(rng As Range, myStr As String) As Boolean
Set rng = rng.Cells(1)
FC = False
If rng.HasFormula Then
FC = CBool(InStr(1, rng.Formula, myStr, vbTextCompare) 0)
End If
End Function 'for: =FC(a1,"abc")
example of what stops working:
If Range(testB1).Value = "AA" Then
Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
Range(hidrows).Select 'this portion does not execute from here
End If
If have even the idea right, can I get this modified to insert a function
within a sub / under an option explicit, or does the top item need to be
modified to not conflict with the worksheet macro's?
NOTE: removing the 1st item allows the rest to work again. thanks