Posted to microsoft.public.excel.misc
column to show certain percent positive AND negative
PERFECT!!! Thanks so much!
"Bernard Liengme" wrote:
will show *** is U260 is greater than ±0.08 or 8%
For 15% use =IF(ABS(U260)15%,"***","")
The + sign in your formula was not required
best wishes
Bernard V Liengme
Microsoft Excel MVP
remove caps from email
"Jerid B" wrote in message
I have a spreadsheet and it shows in a column a percent. I want it to show
*** in the clumn next to it if it had a 15% change or more. Otherwise just
left blank.
I am using this formula and it's only giving me *** in the column that has
positive 15%. I want it to show the *** for a positive (increase) or
(decrease) 15%