when you copy the data into the worksheet. Do you paste special values, just
paste or insert copied cells?
when you copy the data in the other sheets. do you select a given range or
the whole row or column?
"Judy" wrote:
I use 2 simple worksheets daily. They contain little data and should be less
than 50k. I change them by copying data from various other spreadsheets into
them, then saving or saving as with a new name. Some of these spreadsheets
for some reason become very large (1.5mb or more) and moving from cell to
cell becomes very slow. Copying from those spreadsheets to new sheets can
take up to 30 seconds for a single cell to copy. There is nothing complex in
any of them, just text, some multiplication and sum. The sheets eventually
become so slow that the only way I can work with them is by copying the data
i need into new clean sheets. i do this by using the copy, past special and
values - hoping not to copy over whatever is bogging down the original
spreadsheet. Anyone ever see this? Any idea how to fix it?