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Rich Rich is offline
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Posts: 298
Default Need help with SUMPRODUCT Formula

The column contains currency numbers that I enter manually. There is nothing
else in that column.

"RagDyeR" wrote:

If the column that you're totaling, Column I, is populated by either keying
in, or a formula that returns zero (0), both of which are TRUE numbers, your
formula should work.

However, if you're populating it with a formula that might return blanks (
"" ), OR importing data from another app, then that column can contain data
that is not recognized by XL as True numbers, since the blank ( "" ) is
really text, and the imports may contain invisible characters.

If that might be the case, try this form of Sumproduct:

=SUMPRODUCT((Invoices!$H$4:$H$65536=$B6)*(Invoices !$F$4:$F$65536=$B$2)*(Invoices!$O$4:$O$65536="X"), (Invoices!$I$4:$I$65536))

Where the asterisk is replaced with a comma before the totaling Column I


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"Rich" wrote in message
OK, thanks. I addd the parentheses and now I get A #VALUE error, saying a
value in the formula is of the wrong data type. I messed with this
on another application and never could fix it. What is the deal with data
types? I checked the data types for this and they are either "general" or
currency where necessary.

"RagDyeR" wrote:

Just looking at your formula, the only thing I see is a pair of parens

=SUMPRODUCT((Invoices!$H$4:$H$65536=$B6)*(Invoices !$F$4:$F$65536=$B$2)*(Invoices!$O$4:$O$65536="X")* (Invoices!$I$4:$I$65536))



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"Rich" wrote in message
I am trying to add amounts from one workbook (Invoices) based on 3
and put the total in a second workbook (Jones cost control).
I have the following formula copied down the Total Paid column.

=SUMPRODUCT('[RICHs DESKTOP.xls]Invoices'!$H$4:$H$65536=$B6)*('[RICHs
In the above formula Invoices H=Phase, Invoices F=Job, Invoices O=Paid (X)
Invoices I=Amount. The formual is in Jones cost control Total Paid

Jones Cost Control
Job Phase Paid Amount Phase
Total Paid

Jones 5.1 x 1,000
4.2 400 (S/B)smith 5.1 x 500
5.1 1,250
Jones 4.2 x 400
Jones 4.2 600
Jones 5.1 X 250
Jones 5.1 700

It worked at one time. what is wrong with it? I'm not getting a formula
error...just a blank cell where the total should be.

Help. Thanks,