"Luke" wrote...
P.S., I dub this formula the =NOIFANDORBUTIF() formula :)
=IF(CONCATENATE($I2,$J2)="","",IF(CONCATENATE($I 2,$K2)="","",
IF(CONCATENATE($J2,$I2)="","",IF(CONCATENATE($J2 ,$K2)="","",
IF(CONCATENATE($K2,$I2)="","",IF(CONCATENATE($K2 ,$J2)="","",J2))))))
The only way I2&J2 = "" is if both I2 and J2 are "" or blank. If so, then
J2&I2 would also be "". If not, neither would J2&I2 be "". Ditto I2&K2 and
J2&K2 and their reversed pairs. So no point to including the reversed pairs.
Indeed, you could simplify to