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Either you guys are still kicking this around or you don't want to see this
thread reach 40 posts lol :) Okay this isn't exactly the way I thought this
would go but accomplishes the goal in a round about way.

I added 3 columns moving contents of CDE over to IJK and the contents of IJK
over to LMN leaving CDE blank.
I then placed this formula in C and filled over to D & C and filled down:

=IF(CONCATENATE($I2,$J2)="","",IF(CONCATENATE($I2, $K2)="","",IF(CONCATENATE($J2,$I2)="","",IF(CONCAT ENATE($J2,$K2)="","",IF(CONCATENATE($K2,$I2)="","" ,IF(CONCATENATE($K2,$J2)="","",J2))))))

In I2, I put in Harlan's Formula and filled over to J & K then filled down:

=IF(AND(ABS(COUNTIF($L2:$N2,C2)/MAX(1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($L2:$N2,$C2:$E2)))-0.5)<0.5,COUNTIF($C2:C2,C2)<=COUNTIF($L2:$N2,C2)), C2,"")

What my formula did was eliminate single digits that Harlans formula
returned. I couldn't do that with Biff's as he had the double digits going
on and it was, well, kicking my butt. This avenue is cumbersome but it

Then, I was going too see if you guys could incorporate my formula into
Harlan's. But just as I was about to post this, I decided to try and
replaced Harlan's formula with mine. after doing so, I then I got rid of the
three columns (LMN) that I added and courious enough, the disired results
were revealed and there was the formula I was looking for. Not so cumbersome

I find it strange that it fell this way. Thanks to you guys... problem
I do have Question though. How is the formula I built in relationship with
the ones you guys built?
I'm going to rate this one "DONE" only because if it weren't for your
efforts I might not have seen the light. Thank you deeply for helping me...
You guys rock!

I'll watch for posts to see if you have an answer to that question.
Thanks again

"Luke" wrote:

Harlan Grove,
I ran the formula thru hundreds of samples and results are similar to Biff's
formula in that when there ore double digits on the left and single digits on
the right, results are one digit showing in F,g or h. Such as:
2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8
3 1 0 5 1 5 9 5 1
4 8 3 4 5 2 4
5 8 6 7 8 6 6 2 8
6 9 0 2 9 0 2 2 9 0

the above works well, but double digits look like below:
7 3 5 5 5 5
8 8 9 9 9 9
9 2 6 6 6 6
10 1 4 1 1 1
11 5 1 5 5 5
12 6 8 8 8 8
13 3 3 9 3 3
14 8 8 1 8 8
15 0 0 7 0 0
16 2 6 2 2 2
17 9 2 9 9 9
18 4 4 8 4 4

Because there is only one digit on the right in I,J or K, the results seem
to follow suit so to speak.
Earlier I wrote:
A question arises in that
in F2
if C2,D2 & C2,E2 are = to either I2,J2 OR J2,I2 OR J2,K2 OR K2,I2 OR K2,J2
Shouldn't it also, in the same sentance say:
but only if I2"" or J2"" OR K2"", OTHERWISE display the contents of
I2,J2 OR J2,I2 OR J2,K2 OR K2,I2 OR K2,J2...?
Like wise in G2 and H2.

I meant to say:
in F2,
if C2,D2 & C2,E2 are = to either I2,J2 or J2,I2 or J2,K2 or K2,I2 or K2,J2
and if either of I2,J2 or K2 are ="", but, the remaining of I2,J2 or J2,I2 or
J2,K2 or K2,I2 or K2,J2 are still =C2,D2 or C2,E2, then return C2,D2 or C2,E2
in F,G or F,H or G,H
---OR just return the contents of I2,J2 or J2,I2 or J2,K2 or K2,I2 or K2,J2
in F,G or F,H or G,H --- which ever is the easiest to accomplish.

Eay for me to say huh... You guys are so close!!! The formula are way beyond
me that I am excited to see the final resulting formula. I hope you get paid

"Harlan Grove" wrote:

"Biff" wrote...
Tried your formula on the OP's sample data and it worked except for the

4 | 5 | 5................... _ | 4 | 5

Already dealt with in my revised formula.

When I tried it on larger random sets of numbers it didn't fare too well.
One thing that happened is when there were no matches in either range the
formula returned #DIV/0!


OK, I need to revise my revised formula.
