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how to approach this would, IMHO, depend on how much info (ie number of
people and how many times they have each given you and in what time of
blocks (ie 5 min blocks or 1 hour blocks).

If there is not too large an amount of data (ie how much do you like typing)
i would set it up so that the people's names were across row 1
and days and times down column A - to ensure that Excel thinks it is a date
& time i would type (in A2 or A3)

control & semi-colon (;)
press the spacebar
control & colon (:)

this will give you the current date & time in a format that excel is happy
with (you can format it to anything you like once you've generated the
times) .. now edit it to 1am of the first date that you want to look at and
fill this down to the next line - edit this line to the same day, but the
next time period (e.g. 1hr later or whatever) ... now select both dates and
drag down on the fill handle (bottom right corner +) until you get to the
last date & time you're interested in.

Then just simply go through the list either each person's availability - i
would use a simple "y" for available.

Once you've got all the "y" entries, select your list (exclude dates &
names) and choose format / conditional formatting
choose cell value is equal to y
and click on the format button - set a font colour & pattern to the same
colour and click OK twice - now you have a visual chart or each person's

to determine the best time to get everyone together - add another column in
at the end - called "# Available" (or whatever) - say this is F1,
in F2 type the following formula
and fill down
this will tell you the number of people who can make it in that time period,
now select column F
choose format / conditional formatting
formula is
click the format button and set a bright format for the highest number of
people who can get together at the same time.

Hope this helps
check out
....well i'm working on it anyway
"GrandMasterRyGuy" wrote in
message ...
I am trying to organize info in regards to when the most people are best
to gather at the same time to complete a certain task. I had everybody
me the times they are best able to be there to complete this task (based
24 hours) for each day of the week (Sunday through Saturday).

What I want to do is create some type of table/chart where I can take all
this info and show each person and the times they are avaiable. From
there, I
want it to be able to compile these times together and show me which hours
and which people are able to come together for this task each day of the