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Debra Dalgleish
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(I cancelled my previous message, because the link wasn't working)

Choose InsertNameDefine
Select a name in the list
Press the Delete key

If you're working with names, you might like the Name Manager, a free
add-in that makes it easy to work with defined names. You can download a
copy from Jan Karel Pieterse's site:

It allows you select and delete multiple names

Satnam Patel wrote:
In Excel, in the top corner of the application there is a
box which list the name of a select range (e.g F19 etc..).

when I use the querytables method to import a CSV onto a
worksheet. This range address box, has the name of the
data I have imported.

when I use clear, or qyertytables delete to remove the
imported data - I am unable to remove the name of the
data appearing in the drop-down list for the range box.

Is there anyway to delete this ? or is it not a problem ?

I am concerned because I this rangelist seems to fill up
pretty quickly with imported data ranges..

Debra Dalgleish
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