Cell reading Balanced problem
Have you test the formula? its would still return unbalance as it give 0.01
which is < 0
Do you means =IF(ROUND(F46,0)=0,"< Balanced ","< Unbalanced ")
and Format Cells Number Number Decinal places 2
Hope this is helpful
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Thank You
cheers, francis
"David Biddulph" wrote:
Well, if you format that to 2 places, that will be 0.01.
If that is what you want to use, you could change
=IF(F46=0,"< Balanced ","< Unbalanced ") to
=IF(ROUND(F46,2)=0,"< Balanced ","< Unbalanced ")
If you don't want to use ROUND, you might prefer ROUNDDOWN
David Biddulph
"jimboba" wrote in message
I am using the formula below to say if a cell is 0 then the message is
This has always worked ok until now, but if the cell is 0.009999 for
example, it reads Unbalanced. As this is a sheet with Number formatted to
decimal places I still want it to read Balanced. I have tried formatting
cell in many different ways, even moving the cell elsewhere on the sheet,
unable to find the solution.
I have checked all cells in the calculation chain for errors in inputting
which is giving me the rogue total, but to no avail.
Does it need a better formula than the one I have to specifically bar
numbers after 0.00 so that the cell will read Balanced? Help much
appreciated. Thanks.
IF(F46=0,"< Balanced ","< Unbalanced ")