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This anomaly only occurs in Excel. The "save" button, "save" & "save as"
options are all grayed-out. Only way to save is to risk losing work by
exiting excel.

"Gord Dibben" wrote:


Missing or just grayed-out?

From a post by Dave Peterson.............

There was a virus that affected the File|Save, File|SaveAs and File|Open.
OFF2000: Error Messages Caused by Nimda Virus When You Open or Save
Files in Office Programs

maybe you got hit.

If this isn't it, do you get error messages?

And you may want to try resetting that option on the toolbar.

Tools|Customize (just to see that dialog)
click on File
rightclick on SaveAs
select Reset

Try it out.

End Dave's post.........................................

Gord Dibben XL2002

On Mon, 27 Dec 2004 10:03:04 -0800, "Blue"

Yes, this problem happens with every type of worksheet. When creating a new
worksheet to editing an existing worksheet.

"Frank Kabel" wrote:

see your other post

Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany

Blue wrote:
The save button and both "save" & "save as" options in file dropdown
menu are not highlighted in Excel 2003. How do i restore the
capability to save my work in Excel. Only way I can do it now is to
close the program and wait for a prompt to save the file. I double
checked to see if any features were inadvertently disabled on the
"About Microsoft Excel" help tab, nothing was listed.