did you also change the range for "audittypefm1" to have the same number of
arrays in sumproduct have to be the same size
"Chrism" wrote:
I have a working SUMPRODUCT formula
{=SUMPRODUCT(($C$4:$C$4341=z8)*(audittypefm1="Stan dard"))} that I need
to change the 1st array to C5623. When I do I get a #N/A error. I've
tried giving the range a name (empnofm2), and I've verified all the
data in the C4:C5623 range is formated the same (general, it is all
employee numbers from 2 to 5 digits long. I'm using a "trim all" macro
which is working great. I am unable to determine what is causing the
#N/A and how to fix it. Basically I copied an entire worksheet within
the same workbook and changed the name, which I will continue to do for
each fiscal month. I then import the new FM data from Access and make
any necessary changes to formulas and range names to ensure totals are
accurate.. This is the only part that's not working.