I apologize, but you are mistaken, and the question was not answered.
Prior to Excel 2003, Excel would open in separate program window whenever an
additional file was opened. For an example of what would appear on your
computer screen, please open Microsoft Word. Open a file and change the
shape of the window into the right corner. While still in that window, go to
File - Open and choose a second file. A new window should open and you
should be able to move that file down to the left corner. Now you have two
separate windows of Word open with which you can work. This same
functionality was available in Excel; however, it seems to no longer be the
We gain absolutely no functionality with the "Windows in Taskbar". I'm not
sure how it becomes added benefit to have to tab between windows when
separate windows can be opened simultaneously on the computer screen. My
company uses Excel spreadsheets extensively and have no need to "compare"
spreedsheets, but rather have several open while working. It requires time
and, therefore, money, to have to tab through several spreadsheets to get the
one we need up when they could be open in separate windows. That is how we
preformed work prior to Windows 2003 and since our upgrade we have been
trying to reestablish that setting to make work easier for all our users.
The Same Program Window may be great for you, but it's not a functionality
that has benefitted our company.
"Duke Carey" wrote:
On the contrary, Peo DID answer your question. The option you seek isn't and
wasn't a 'feature' of Excel, or certainly not any recent version of Excel. I
haven't used Excel 97 for a *long* time, so can't swear about that version,
but would bet that you are in error in your assertion.
Certainly you have never been able to use Excel's FileOpen menu to create
what you have called an 'exterior' window, or what sounds like a separate
instance of Excel.
Moreover, what possible functional value is there to what you seek that
cannot be gained from the "Windows in Taskbar" view option?
"Jason Dove" wrote:
Thanks, but that doesn't answer the question.
"Peo Sjoblom" wrote:
You must be very thick having the nerve asking the same question in a peer to
peer NG after your rude behaviour earlier, this is not MS helpdesk.
Excel does not have this functionality regardless of what you think, 2002
didn't have it, 2000 didn't have it etc, Word has it, only way is to select
ignore other applications and open 2 independent copies of Excel
Peo Sjoblom
"Jason Dove" wrote:
Prior to Windows 2003, when opening different excel files, the files would
open in their own Excel Programs windows. This feature still exists with
Word 2003, but I have not seen this feature in Excel.
Methods suggested to mimic this setting is to go to Tools - Options
"Windows in Taskbar" or "Ignore Other Applications" or Open Two Separate
Programs from the Start Menu. Also the Window - "Compare" method has been
suggested; however, I don't want to compare two different worksheets, I want
to have two separate worksheet programs open.
Is there a setting available so that each file of Excel that is opened can
be opened in its own Program Window? For Example, Tools - Options - View
"Open Files in Own Program Window"?
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