I see that now, thanks for the clarification
Peo Sjoblom
"Jerry W. Lewis" wrote in message
The OP's formula
=SUM(IF(A1:A999="A",IF(D1:D999="Dd",IF(F1:F999="1 ",IF(E1:E999="1",1,0)))))
does require array entry to work, as I tried to say. I presume lack of
array entry is why CT could not get it to work.
My alternative formula
=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A999="A")*(D1:D999="Dd")*(F1:F999 ="1")*(E1:E999="1"))
does not require array entry, as I did say.
On rereading my previous reply, the object referred to by "this formula"
in my first sentence is not clear, and should probably have read "your
Peo Sjoblom wrote:
No need to array enter it