You would have to array enter (Ctrl-Shift-Enter) this formula for it to
work. A simpler approach would use the fact that you can coerce TRUE
into 1 and FALSE into 0, so that the following formula should work and
does not require array entry:
=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A999="A")*(D1:D999="Dd")*(F1:F999 ="1")*(E1:E999="1"))
CT wrote:
I am unable to get the correct count using the formula :
A",IF(D1:D999="Dd",IF(F1:F999="1",IF(E1:E999="1", 1,0)))))
I am trying to get no of records with
" A" values in Column A,
"Dd" values in Column D,
"1" values in Column F,
"1" values in Column E
and Sum all the counts- after applying the nested filters.
Can someone help me in debugging the same?
Will appreciate early response!
Thanks in advance,