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Try this:

=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A999="A")*(D1:D999="Dd")*(E1:E999 =1)*(F1:F999=1))

I made an assumption that the 1's in Column E and F were real numbers, and
didn't need the quotes.

If I guessed wrong, and they are text, just add the quotation marks.



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"CT" wrote in message

I am unable to get the correct count using the formula :

A",IF(D1:D999="Dd",IF(F1:F999="1",IF(E1:E999="1", 1,0)))))

I am trying to get no of records with
" A" values in Column A,
"Dd" values in Column D,
"1" values in Column F,
"1" values in Column E

and Sum all the counts- after applying the nested filters.

Can someone help me in debugging the same?
Will appreciate early response!

Thanks in advance,