Simplify formula
Pardon the new thread about the same thing I posted earlier. I would like to
clean up the mistakes I made in my earlier quest.
In it's raw form my setup looks like this:
2 2 8 8 8 8 8 8
3 1 0 5 5 1 9 5 1
4 8 3 4 5 2 4
5 8 6 7 6 8 6 2 8
6 9 0 2 2 9 0 2 9 0
I need a more simple formula that will perform the following task.
The following formula Below, is referencing Column F in that if any
combination of two or more digits from C,D & E that are equal to two or more
digits from I,J & K then display contents of I in F.
The same formula would go for G in that any combination of two or more
digits from C,D & E that are equal to two or more digits from I,J & K then
display contents of J in G. The only thing in the formula that chages is that
instead of showing I in F, it would show J in G
The same would go for G in that any combination of two or more digits from
C,D & E that are equal to two or more digits from I,J & K then display
contents of K in H. The only thing in the formula that chages is that instead
of showing I or J in H, it would show K in H
Here is my version of the Formula for column F only... the same formula
could be pasted in G & H columns repectively-- If it were in simpler format.
=IF(concatenate(C2,D2)=concatenate(I2,J2),I2,IF(co ncatenate(C2,D2)=concatenate(I2,K2),I2,IF(concaten ate(C2,D2)=concatenate(J2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate(C2 ,D2)=concatenate(J2,K2),I2,IF(concatenate(C2,D2)=c oncatenate(K2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate(C2,D2)=concate nate(K2,J2),I2,IF(concatenate(C2,E2)=concatenate(I 2,J2),I2,IF(concatenate(C2,E2)=concatenate(I2,K2), I2,IF(concatenate(C2,E2)=concatenate(J2,I2),I2,IF( concatenate(C2,E2)=concatenate(J2,K2),I2,IF(concat enate(C2,E2)=concatenate(K2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate( C2,E2)=concatenate(K2,J2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,C2) =concatenate(I2,J2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,C2)=conca tenate(I2,K2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,C2)=concatenate (J2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,C2)=concatenate(J2,K2 ),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,C2)=concatenate(K2,I2),I2,I F(concatenate(D2,C2)=concatenate(K2,J2),I2,IF(conc atenate(D2,E2)=concatenate(I2,J2),I2,IF(concatenat e(D2,E2)=concatenate(I2,K2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,E 2)=concatenate(J2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,E2)=con catenate(J2,K2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,E2)=concatena te(K2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate(D2,E2)=concatenate(K2, J2),I2,IF(concatenate(E2,C2)=concatenate(I2,J2),I2 ,IF(concatenate(E2,C2)=concatenate(I2,K2),I2,IF(co ncatenate(E2,C2)=concatenate(J2,I2),I2,IF(concaten ate(E2,C2)=concatenate(J2,K2),I2,IF(concatenate(E2 ,C2)=concatenate(K2,I2),I2,IF(concatenate(E2,C2)=c oncatenate(K2,J2),I2,IF(concatenate(E2,D2)=concate nate(I2,J2),I2,IF(concatenate(E2,D2)=concatenate(I 2,K2),I2,IF(concatenate(E2,D2)=concatenate(J2,I2), I2,IF(concatenate(E2,D2)=concatenate(J2,K2),I2,IF( concatenate(E2,D2)=concatenate(K2,I2),I2,IF(concat enate(E2,D2)=concatenate(K2,J2),I2,""))))))))))))) )))))))
Thank you for your time and toleration.