Filter Sort Columns in a table.
The filters have no problem with formulas, but the sort command does.
You will need to show us a sample of your formulas so we can make addtional
suggestions. Sometimes there are work arounds for this problem.
If this helps, please click the Yes button
Shane Devenshire
"Mike" wrote:
I have a table in a worksheet with column headings in 5A through 5BC each
transaction is entered in rows, starting with row 6 through row 250. The
Filter is turned on in the column headings. When I click on the arrow I can
choose a filter sort. Do the formulas prevent the filtering???
When I do nothing happens. If I copy the sheet to another sheet and paste
using Special Paste and paste only Values and Number Formats the filter and
sort works perfectly.
What am I doing wrong???
Thanks, Mike