You can apply the CF directly w/o referencing
Select D15:D24 (with D15 active), then apply CF using Formula Is:
Format to taste OK out
If the above doesn't work, that means the dates in D15:D24 aren't real
dates. Select the range of "dates", convert it all at one go by clicking Data
Text to Columns. Click NextNext. In step 3 of the wiz., check "Date", then
choose the appropriate format from the droplist, eg: DMY. Click Finish.
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"yuen" wrote:
I'm finding it difficult with conditional formatting matching the month for
=today() in cell b2 for example. the purpose is to match the month for a date
ranging from d15:d24 and then highlight if the month matches.
Any ideas? ive been working on this for 3 days now. thanks.