Help! I can't see the text in my non-empty cells.
Thanks a lot for your quick answer Shane, but I can not test this yet as I
have run into a bigger problem: My file is now officially unable to open. I
get an error saying "Microsoft Office Excel has stopped working". My other
Excel files are still ok, but not this one. I think I am cursed...
"Shane Devenshire" wrote:
I have noticed screen refresh problems in Office 2007. I think these are
related to the higher quality graphics, but I'm not sure. I usually press
PgDn, PgUp to get the screen to update in these cases. Maybe someone else
will add some additional insight
If this helps, please click the Yes button
Shane Devenshire
"NG" wrote:
I am using Office 2007 and I have noticed something strange. My workbook is
quite simple and not very large (300KB). In the most busy spreadsheet, I am
using vlookup about 700 times and there are about 1500 cells with drop down
boxes - it is a data collection tool where some of the answers are pre-filled.
Sometimes non-empty cells, even those with text only in them, will appear to
be empty and you need to click in them or move around the spreadsheet before
their content becomes visible again. Any ideas on what is doing this?
Needless to say, the user will not be guided properly if they can not see the
Thank you very very much for giving me a hand!