Need Help Copying Excel Files to a CD
Thanks Bob I .Just Exactly how do I drop the files to the cd?
"Bob I" wrote:
Open Windows Explorer, and then drag and drop the files of interest to
the CD. Elect to "Write these files to CD" when you are done.
jm47 wrote:
Thanks David: I have Windows XP Pro.The cd writing software is what came with
the operating system...Joe
"David Biddulph" wrote:
The method for copying your files to CD will depend on your operating system
and on what CD writing software you have; it is not an Excel function.
Don't try to edit the file on the CD. Copy the file to a hard disk and edit
it there.
David Biddulph
"jm47" wrote in message
Hi Everyone: Can anyone explain why I cannot copy my just finished
Excel(2003) spreadsheetsts directly to a cd or what the specific steps are
how this process is completed?Also,how does or can I edit those files once
they are on the cd?Any and all help will be much appreciated.Thanks...