I have the following code on sheet4:
Range("BY6").Value = (Range("BY2") - Range("BY7")) * 28
That does the calculations.
TextBox1 has the followong as control source: ='Sheet4'!BY7
TextBox2 has also the following: ='Sheet4'!BY6
The idea is to insert a value on textbox1, the calculation is done and the
reasult comes up on textbox2.
But it only does the calculation when I add a figure in "BY7" and then
select another cell.
Any ideas?
"Mike H" wrote:
There are several ways to do this and without seeing your code it's hard to
be very helpful but this does what you want when the userform activates. Note
I've used worksheets(4) the same as in your question but you need to realise
that this sheet is the 4th from the left and will change of the sheets are
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
TextBox1.Text = Worksheets(4).Range("A7").Value
TextBox2.Text = Worksheets(4).Range("A6").Value
End Sub
"Tdp" wrote:
I have two textboxes that both display values from the same cell. The idea is
the change the value on one of the textbox1, that should change the textbox2
value at the same time. But at the moment value will only change if I click
on textbox2.
To clarify!!!
I will start with the worksheet(4). In cell A7 has a value which I enter
daily. Cell A6 then calculates =SUM(1013-(A7))*28. The two values A6 and A7
are displayed in UserForm1 TextBox1 and TextBox2.
TextBox1 = A7
TextBox2 = A6
I am trying to do this all on vb code..........but with no luck!