Hidden characters in formula bar in Excel 2007
Yeah I sent the files to another machine and they work fine. It is
something that I did to this specific machine's version of Excel. I guess
I'm going to have to reload it and see if that fixes the problem.
Thanks for the help.
"ShaneDevenshire" wrote:
I've tested everything I can think of and can't duplicat the problem.
Have you tried opening the files on another machine to see if they display
Shane Devenshire
"Makua" wrote:
Yeah I have closed and reponed. I have shut down and restarted. Very weird.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
I've never seen this.
And you have closed excel and reopened it, right?
(I don't have a guess.)
Makua wrote:
Thanks for the note. I was able to scroll and that is not solving the issue.
Again it is something that I have never seen before. Here is a bit more
description and an example.
Let's say that my cell A1 had a word in it [Schoolbus]. The formula bar
would show blank characters for everything but the us. It would look like
fx| us. The same happens with numbers and formulas. If I had 10,000 is
a cell, it would look like fx| 00.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
xl2007 enhanced the formula bar so that you can expand and contract it. You can
use the scroll bar to the far right to scroll up/down. Or use the icon to the
right of the up/down arrows to see all(?) the formula.
Makua wrote:
Ok, I feel like an idiot. I did something so that my formula bar only shows
the last two characters of what ever is in my cell. I can still see all the
data in the cell but it is not being displayed in the formula bar (except for
the last two characters).
This is now on all my Excel files and if I send them to another computer,
they look fine. It must be something specific to how the Excel on my system
is set up.
Any one with an idea?
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson