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ShaneDevenshire ShaneDevenshire is offline
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Posts: 2,344
Default Formula displayed; Not calculating?


yes, Excel says the argument is text but what it means is that it treat the
argument as text, not that the function should be entered into a cell
formatted as text. The LEFT, RIGHT and MID function return text, which means
if you have a formula such as =LEFT(A1,2) and A1 contains a number 12345
Excel returns the text 12, the result is text not a number. But you can
easily convert it back to a number if need be.

Shane Devenshire

"evoxfan" wrote:

This is my formula: =LEFT(A8,3)
A8 = "00500"
A8 is formatted as text.
Per the functions argument, the reult should be "005".
Instead, the formula is displayed instead of the result.

Why is this not displayed and how can I correct?