Custom format applicable to negative and positive numbers?
I think J wants the formatting for both positive and negative numbers..
I believe only 3 conditions can be applied at a time so it may not be
possible just using formatting...
What J can do is to have formatting for positive numbers as
and use conditional formatting for negative numbers
Choose Cell value as between 0 and -99999999999999999999
and formatting as
"muddan madhu" wrote:
try this
On Nov 12, 12:50 am, J. wrote:
I currently have a custom format that shows a number over 1000 as a $1K -
$999K and over 1,000,000 as $1M, etc. This works for positive numbers but I
can not figure out how to also have it work for negative numbers. The format
I currently use is the following:
Any suggestions about how to have this same formatting apply to negative
numbers so that they show up as -$1K, -$1M, etc.?