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ShaneDevenshire ShaneDevenshire is offline
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Posts: 2,344
Default Bold in Sub total


Suppose the word Subtotal appears in column A and you want to bold the
corresponding cells in columns B:D (you could include A if you want):

1. Highlight the range you want to format, here say B1:D100
2. Choose Format, Conditional Formatting
3. From the first drop down chooose Formula is
4. In the next box enter the formula
5. Click the Format button and on the Font tab click Bold under Font Style.

Shane Devenshire

"Unknown User" wrote:

Irrelavant anyway thanks!

My concern is about the highligh in bold for the subtotal after subtotal

"Dave Peterson" wrote:

You could use format|conditional formatting.

Say your labels look like "header Total" are in column A.
Select the range to format (say A2:Z99)
And with the activecell A2:
Format|conditional formatting
Formula is: =COUNTIF($A2,"*total")0
and give it a nice format.

The $A means that excel will look at that column for the "Total" indicator.
Change that if you used Average, count, or ....

Another way...

Use the outlining symbols to the left to hide the details
Select the range to format
Edit|goto|special|Visible cells only
And format the visible cells the way you like.

Unknown User wrote:

Is there any short cut to high light in bold the sub total after the subtotal
Your advise is important, thank you very much.


Dave Peterson