Get Part of Cell
Well, if the OP is still interested, he could search the groups to find the
information for UDF GETFORMULA, and then using Satti's formula, it would be:
=--SUBSTITUTE(MID(getformula(A10),FIND("!",getformula (A10),FIND("=",getformula(A10))),99),"+","")
This would give the numeric equivalent after the + sign. Of course, if there
are multiple plus signs, or if the formula doesn't refer to a separate WB, or
if the OP doesn't have the UDF on every computer that will be using the file,
then it will fail, but hey, it's what the OP wanted, right?
I don't understand why the other extremely simple formulas won't work, but
this is the answer to the OP's question.
** John C **
"David Biddulph" wrote:
I think you'll find, Satti, that your formula will work if C3 contains a
text string, but not if C3 contains a formula.
David Biddulph
"Satti Charvak" wrote in message
Ok Try this :
here i have taken the cell where the data
(=+'[Forecast.xls]June'!$CU$23+3200) is given.
now what i have done is first find "!" mark and then fine "+" sign after
that....this formula will extract "+3200"
Kind Regards,
Satti Charvak
Only an Excel Enthusiast
Noida, India
"snax500" wrote:
Ok, here is another example, I have the following example, in cell
in cell A2, I want a formula to read A1 and give me just the +3200.
Cell A2 will equal +3200.
On Nov 6, 3:34 pm, "David Biddulph" <groups [at]
If you want a formula to give you 150, the formula is =150
David Biddulph
"snax500" wrote in message
I don't want the difference. I want a formula to pull out the 150 so I
can use it in another part of my file.
On Nov 6, 2:58 pm, Joel wrote:
"snax500" wrote:
In cell A1, I have 100. In cell A2, I have +A1+150 or 250. I need a
formula for cell A3 that points to cell A2 and gives me just the
part of the formula so that A3=150.
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