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FSt1 FSt1 is offline
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Default Can a macro be automatically run after an update from MS query?

a commom problem. a query refresh does not fire the worksheet change event
just like a recalulation does not fire the work sheet change event.
physically changing data does fire it. also your query is running in the
background which is why your macro finishes before the refresh is done.
use the chick event on a button or icon.

sub refreshqueryandrunmacro()
Sheets("sheet1").range("A1").querytable.refresh backgroundquery:=false
'or you can select the query range if desired....
'selecdtion.querytable.refresh backgroundquery:=false
'yourmacro here
end sub

as a rule, if my macro is going to use the data being imported, i do not
allow a background refresh....just in case.

"AndyT" wrote:

I have thoroughly read all the posts on automatically running macros from a
change in cell contents. However, if the cell being tested has been updated
from MS query the macro doesn't run. I have checked this by over writing the
data returned from query and the macro runs. If I get the macro to run from
the cell change that invokes the query, the macro has done it's bit before
the data has been returned!