Get Part of Cell
I was thinking along the line of an @right formula for formulas
instead of text.
On Nov 6, 3:47*pm, "David Biddulph" <groups [at]
To start with, you don't need =+ at the start of your formula. *Just = will
You've already been told the answer to your question by Joel. *If A2
contains =[Forecast.xls]June!$A$47+300 and you want to return 300 in another
cell, the formula will be =A2-[Forecast.xls]June!$A$47
David Biddulph
"snax500" wrote in message
On Nov 6, 3:16 pm, snax500 wrote:
I don't want the difference. I want a formula to pull out the 150 so I
can use it in another part of my file.
On Nov 6, 2:58 pm, Joel wrote:
Another example is if I had a cell with this formula - A1...
and in another cell -A2 - I have a formula that looks up cell A1 and
gives me just the +300 of the formula.
=A2-A1- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -