Debra Dalgleish has a very helpful site:
Look around in it. At the bottom, if you click on Data Validation Tips, then
select Create Dynamic Lists, I think this is exactly what you want.
** John C **
"LeeCC" wrote:
Hello! Friends:
Appreciate if anyone could help on the followings (EXCEL 2003):
My data are stored in Col A (say, A1.A10)
Under Data/Validation/Setting/Allow List/Source, I give a range of A1.A50 to
cater for future data expansion. That is A11.A50 are blanks at this time.
Question: Even after checking both boxes "Ignore Blank" and "In-cell
dropdown", I still get the blank cells in the drop-down list. Why is it so?
And how to remove the blanks from the drop-down list?
Many Thanks.
Lee CC