xl2003 (USA settings) wouldn't let me enter:
I had to change it to:
(dropping the ! marks)
if you did
does that work ok?
And make sure you have calculation set for automatic:
tools|options|calculation tab
Werner Rohrmoser wrote:
Dear all,
Environment: WIN XP SP1, Excel XP SP2
Subject: Named SUM Formula with relative references
When I use a named formula like this one "=SUM(!K3:!M3)" to
sum the three cells left of "N3" the formula is calculated instantly.
When I use a named formula like this one "=SUMME(!F3;!J3;!N3;!R3)" to
to sum non continious ranges in "S3" the formula is not
calculated instantly, F9 doesn't work, only Ctrl+Alt+F9 updates "S3".
When I use a named formula like this one
"=SUMME(Sales!F3;Sales!J3;Sales!N3;Sales!R3)", including the sheet name,
it calculates instantly again.
But now this formula is limited to the sheet "Sales", which is not
what I want, because I'd like to have a global formula, which I
can use on every sheet, in every column and which recalculates instantly.
Has anyone an idea?
Best Regards
Are my findings corect, or id there a way to use Is this
Dave Peterson