Pivot Table File Size Question
You are correct, a file containing PivotTables will become exponentially
larger the more data that you add to the file because it does infact copy a
"Temporary" image of all the records that it is referencing. So, with 26
PivotTables you have all in all 27 actual copies of the data (including the
There are a couple alternatives, some more unweildy than others.
A) You could break all the links to the data in the PivotTables, however you
cannot update them anymore unless you reattach the link.
B)You could create a separate file for the DATA and another for the
PivotTables. They would link across to each other, even if the data book is
C)You could place this information, which sounds like a database (?), into
Access and run Queries to create your PivotTables. However, I must note that
PivotTables in Access do not work the same as they do in Excel (similar, but
not the same).
--Thomas [PBD]
Working hard to make working easy.
"1genxer" wrote:
I have a file with about 8,000 rows of data and about 30 columns. I have
about 26 pivot tables that are in one of the sheets. The file is over 13MB.
If I delete the pivots my file size drops to only 6MB.
My question is, A) how much space does a Pivot Table take in a file, is it
the full size of the data it refrences? B) Is there a way to reduce the
amount of file space of the Pivot Table?
Any help would be much appreciated as a 13 MB file is very unwieldy to
update and manipulate when opened, and the file just gets bigger every month.