try for each cell in column L the following formula
this has to return TRUE for all cells
Frank Kabel
Frankfurt, Germany
"Mestrella31" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
both coulums are text and I corss check the numbers, to correct sum is
and i don't know were is piking up 7685
"JE McGimpsey" wrote:
hard to tell since you don't say what the "wrong data" is...
However, I'd start with making sure that my numbers in Actual!$L$2:$L$10
were really numbers, rather than numbers entered as Text (copy a blank
cell, select your range, then choose Edit/Paste Special, selecting the
Add and Values radio buttons).
In article ,
"Mestrella31" wrote:
Ok I did that & it worked, now when I try to get the data from another
worksheet it gives me wrong data, do you know why?