If you use the DDE connection, the linked Excel document should open.
For other types of connection, I think you have to hunt for the file.
You could ask in the Word MailMerge newsgroup, and someone may be able
to help.
frankfox44 wrote:
Good, helped me tremendously. However, one nagging item. In several older
Word and Excel files that have been linked through a successful merger
procedure, the Excel document is displayed and available on the Taskbar. With
the new version, it is not (irritating). Then when clicking the button to
open the data source, one must go through the process of locating the data
source. Once located, it can be opened, but with the dialogue box stating
"Read Only" or "Notify".
Restoring the data source file (the Excel data file) to the Taskbar would
indeed be most helpful.
"Debra Dalgleish" wrote:
There's an article on the Microsoft web site that might help you:
Answer Box: Numbers don't merge right in Word
And if you prefer the old Mail Merge helper, Word MVP Suzanne Barnhill
has instructions he
about half way down the page.
frankfox44 wrote:
Impossiblit situation now with Office XP. Merging date, for example, grades,
to Word, for example, a transcripit, grade/status sheets. Used to be so
simple. Now multiple digits instead of 6.00 as recorded in the Excel file.
While in Word document, the Excel file is no longer present on the taskbar
for easy checking. Resolutions?
Debra Dalgleish
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