Thread: Text print size
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thank you,

well, if the effect you are talking about is the only problem, then it's a
bigger effect than I could imagine:

I made a try: a text showing on the screen (width = half a page), compared
with colons borders.
The printed text is longer than the text on screen: but i'm talking about 4
or 5 characters !
(i.e. I need to type many characters to bring the text on screen at the
same border-end than the printed text !)

The "arial" is bad. [to end on the creen at the same border I need to add 5
characters on the line]

The "times new roman" comes bigger but not so much, it's not acceptable but
less effect. [2 more characters]

With Batang it's very very bad ! [10 more characters !]

With some special fonts (8514oem) the effect is the opposite (it gets

I suppose the fonts are not the same on the printer and on the screen but
sometimes is hard to say:
With Courier I need to add 14 ! (courier is supposed to be known by almost
all the printers)

So is it the "still close, but not identical" you are talking about ?
I'm still very surprised. Is it really "normal" ?