You can use a combination of match and offset. Place this formula in a cell
and drag down 8 rows...
=OFFSET(A1, MATCH("Credit Card Information",A:A, FALSE), 0, 1,1)
Jim Thomlinson
"pgarcia" wrote:
Hello all,
I'm looking to find the word "Credit Card Information" in column A and then
return the value or text in the cell below it.
So, the word "Credit Card Information" is in cell A15, I then need to return
the value or text in cell A16. But, I would also need to return the value in
cells A17-A23.
But, the word "Credit Card Information" will not always be in cell A15, it
will move around in column A, but I will always need the next 8 cell data
below that.
And, if at all possible, Im not looking for a VB code on this one.