Windows Vista and Excel 2000 -- incompatibility?
Hi Lindsay,
I'm running Office 2000 (excluding Outlook) on Vista Home Premium and have no problems with any aspect of Excel - including cell
Have you tried running Excel's 'Detect and Repair' facility (see under Help)?
Is your copy of Excel 2000 fully patched (under Help|About, it should report the version as 9.0.8950 SP-3)?
[MVP - Microsoft Word]
"Lindsay Graham" wrote in message ...
I asked about this issue some 6 weeks ago on two of these newsgroups, and got a lot of advice, but no solution. Having been away
for a month, I'm now back trying to resolve what is still a very annoying problem, and I hope that someone out there can help me.
I'm using Excel 2000 on a Vista desktop and on an XP laptop. When using Vista, cell formatting will not work any more. For
example, if I try to apply date or custom date formatting to a cell containing '8/6/08', the cell is not formatted as a date. The
problem exists even if Excel is opened in Safe mode, exists in both new and existing Excel files, and exists regardless of whether
the format is applied before or after the date is entered. BUT if one of the same files is opened using the XP computer, date
formatting works as usual.
I've searched newsgroups and the web generally, and can find no other examples of this problem. Is this an incompatibility issue
between Vista and Excel 2000? If so, does anyone know of a workaround? Can anyone help with any other suggestions?
Lindsay Graham
Canberra, Australia
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