And if you just use =sum(b1:b4), what do you get?
If that's 0 (and it shouldn't be), then maybe your "numbers" are text. Format
the cells as General and then retype those entries and try both formulas.
Or maybe d1:d4 are all empty???
JBoyer wrote:
When I tried this function it displayed a value of 0. Any other suggestions
would be appreciated.
"Dave Peterson" wrote:
JBoyer wrote:
I am trying to find the sum of a column based on values from another column.
For example, If I am inserting a sumif function in b5, and finding the sum of
values b1:b4. I want the function to only sum the values in b1:b4 who have a
corresponding d cell that is not blank. For instance, if b1=1, b2=2, b3=3,
b4=4 and d1=5, d2 is blank, d3=4, d4 is blank. I only want the add b1 and b3
= 4.
Dave Peterson
Dave Peterson