Averaging miles per gallon
True, if the zeros are actually valid in the data set. Guess I was
understanding that it wasn't valid. An assumption on my part. Thanks for
pointing out though Peo. :)
Zack Barresse
"Peo Sjoblom" wrote in message
Probably better to use
in this case it probably won't matter but zero is a valid number in an
Peo Sjoblom
"Zack Barresse" wrote in message
Blanks should not be counted in an AVERAGE or SUM function. What will
throw off your average is zero (0) values. If that is what you mean, you
would need to either use an array-entered function or a workaround...
(Confirm with Ctrl + Shift + Enter, as it is an array formula.)
.. or ..
Ensure your ranges are set to desired and all are the same size.
Zack Barresse
"TckyTina" wrote in message
I have a yearly truck inventory that I have set up to average the yearly
of fuel used. However, I have blank cells - as I keep these records for
year - How can I leave blank cells out of averaging?