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Ron Coderre
Posts: n/a

I think I understand what you're running into here.

If the cell you are MOVING refers to a named range in it's source workbook
that doesn't exist in the destination workbook, Excel will not identify a
name conflict and will paste the cell with a LINK to it's source sheet.

One way to avoid the link (and be prompted to decide which name to use) is
to create the named range in the destination workbook BEFORE you move the

Does that help?


"GJR3599" wrote:

I am trying to copy and paste named cells from one workbook to another
without having the first workbook file name attach to the named cells. For
example, I am copying a cell named XYZ from file One.xls to file Two.xls. I
need to have cell XYZ NOT say One.xls!XYZ when it is entered into Two.xls.
Also, how can I get that message that asks if I want to use the cell names to
not pop up?